Tuesday, April 5, 2011

April 3rd 2011

Joshua Grace talk
Convergent or Divergent redemption?


1 comment:

  1. 1. Flow Questions
    Perhaps these are helpful for you when planning your cell's meeting this week.
    "Convergent or Divergent Redemption?"

    Jesus being led by the Spirit into the Wilderness is the central story for yesterday (Luke 4).

    This week, the 2nd Temptation (in Luke's order) was seeing all the kingdoms of the world in and instant, and being offered them (as they were the devil's to offer) and their splendor if Jesus would worship him. He responded to worship God alone (Deut 6:13-15).

    Peer pressure can be quite simple, and not always "worshiping the gods of surrounding people." Tell a story about peer pressure (positive or negative) that you feel regularly from the world around you.

    Read the whole chapter of Deuteronomy 6.

    1. What kind of influence is Jesus trying to have by going back to the Book of Remembering, rather than just saying no because of the First Commandment?
    4. Jesus chooses a divergent path, towards the cross and resurrection. In our own temptations of self-aggrandizement, how can we go to the cross and be resurrected?
    3. This passage is full of remembering who God is, the directive to love God, and how to adjust to life in the Promised Land vs. in the Wilderness. Are you learning anything during Lent (in the wilderness) that you can tie to your wrist or impress on your heart for when we enter the Promised Land of Easter?
